Fire/EMS Reports, Statistics and FAQs

To obtain a copy of a Fire or EMS report
please contact:

Shawn Treloar
Phone: (407)688-5047

Law Firms wishing to send a records request, please mail it to:

Sanford Fire Department
Attn: EMS Office
1303 William Clark Avenue
Sanford, Florida 32771

Statistics for Calendar Year 2024
Total Calls for Service: 13,630
Total Unit Responses: 23,129

Calls By Type
Fires (Structural, Vehicles, etc:): 188
Rescue/EMS: 10,183
EMS Transports: 5,635
False Alarms: 594
Mutual Aid Given: 2,592
Mutual Aid Received: 4,004
Hazardous Materials: 53
Aircraft Incidents: 24
Other Hazards: 126
All Other Types: 2,046

Calls By Unit
Battalion 31: 742
Tower 31: 1,590
Engine 31: 4,172
Engine 32: 3,767
Engine 38: 2,584
Dive unit 31: 16
Boat 31: 9
Rescue 31: 3,563
Rescue 31-2: 562
Rescue 32: 3,390
Rescue 38: 2,357
Community Paramedicine: 332
EMS Standbys: 25
Other : 26

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several types of Smoke Detectors available. Each has a very specific purpose and method of detecting products of combustion. Please consult with your supplier or our Fire Prevention Division to ensure you choose the correct type.

Building Address Signage

The address numbers for commercial buildings are required to be at least 6 INCHES in height and must be displayed in a clear, conspicuous space on the building, be of contrasting color to the building, and must be easily viewed from the opposite side of the street.  This assist the responding personnel in locating your correct location in the event of an emergency

Fire Extinguishers, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Hood Suppression Systems

Typically, a 2A10BC rated fire extinguisher is required. Kitchens with a hood suppression system, an additional K rated fire extinguisher is required. Buildings classified as Industrial require a 4A60BC rated extinguisher.   

One properly rated fire extinguisher for every 3000 square feet of space, and/or one properly rated fire extinguisher for every 75 feet of travel. If you are unsure of the correct type of extinguisher for your location, please consult your fire extinguisher supplier.

Fire extinguishers: Annually, by a certified Fire Protection contractor  
Sprinkler systems: Annually, by a certified Fire Sprinkler contractor 
Hood Suppression systems: Every 6 months, the system must be serviced, cleaned, inspected and re-certified by a certified Hood Suppression System contractor. 

Yes. The panel should be labeled, clearly identifying each circuit.  This will decrease the amount of time it would take to isolate the power to an area if there was an electrical or equipment problem

Flammable or Combustible Fuel / Liquid Storage

ALL flammable or combustible fuels / liquids are required to be stored in approved, labeled containers

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.