Community Paramedicine

The Sanford Fire Department’s Community Paramedicine program is dedicated to assisting the public with their at-home self-care abilities and knowledge.  The idea is to help those who find themselves in and out of the Emergency Room more often than they want to be able to find areas that can improve in the home, which in turn will help them actually be able to stay in their home.  Things like Primary Care establishment, assistance with insurance navigation, education on a new or older medical condition, equipment that may help you in your home.  Also, we help connect you with resources within the community that will assist with general health such as food pantries, social outlets, health department, environmental issues in the home, among many others.  If you’re not sure if we can help, feel free to call.  We will get you pointed in the right direction.

If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from us just trying to help, please contact us:

Aaron Hinson (407) 893-1312 Email: Aaron Hinson

Paramedicine Staff

LT/PM Aaron Hinson CP-C

Lieutenant Hinson has been a part of the Sanford Fire Department since March of 2002 and is a shift officer who runs the Paramedicine program for the department.  He will be your primary contact for services or visits.  Contact him via email at or phone 407-893-1312.

FF/PM Michael Brandy

Paramedic Brandy has been with the department since March of 2004 and before that several years in the Army and with EVAC Ambulance.  He is a very highly regarded Paramedic and Firefighter who deeply cares about the public he serves.

FF/PM Trevor Thompson

Paramedic Thompson has been with the department since May of 2017.  As an integral part of the fire department team, he has shown a lot of enthusiasm and passion for helping his patients and has taken several classes on his own time to continue to improve and develop his Paramedic skills. 

FF/PM Raymond Kellogg

Paramedic Kellogg has been with the department since May of 2017.  He brings an enthusiastic energy in what he does and loves helping people at whatever level they need.  He is highly reliable and is always looking for ways to continue to get involved within the department.

Frequently Asked Questions

This depends on the schedule, you will receive a phone call within a day and response to your home within a couple days.

We will guide you to establish one for you.

We work with the health department to help get you on Medicare/Medicaid

We will get you in contact with local food banks to get you food.

We have relationships with several organizations to help drive you.

    • Yes, we work with your doctor to get your equipment prescribed.

911 response is there at your discretion.  We can also help you decide if what you’re experiencing is an emergency.  If you’re not sure, call 911.

Nothing.  This is a public service outreach mission.  We never charge anything for the residents


City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.