Seagulls on the Riverwalk

About the Work

Installed on the RiverWalk located near the start of Phase 2, this work consists of 5 large stainless steel Gull sculptures mounted on steel poles of various lengths. Each Gull has a wingspan of 6 feet. The polished surface of the gulls plays with the natural light, and gives the illusion of motion from different angles.

Dale Rogers, Sculptor/Artist and Virginia Poe, Public Art Commission Chairman.

About the Artist, Dale Rogers

I am a full time metal sculptor from Massachusetts. I design both large-scale sculptures for individual installation with private collectors and temporary public exhibits full of multiple pieces.

My love for art lies in abstract geometrics, and much of my body of work encompasses the clean simple properties of that style. Over the years, I have incorporated iconic and whimsical shapes into my sculptures that allow viewers to connect with my art on an emotional level. My public exhibits feature sculptures that do just this. I strive to create thought-provoking work that is sophisticated, easily recognized, and will serve as a mental postcard.

Stainless Steel and Cor-Ten Steel are the metals I choose to work with. The Stainless Steel is beautiful and versatile. The surface of it can be done in many different finishes (as you will see in our gallery). The variations add dimension and depth to the different sculptures. The Cor-Ten is chosen for its “long life/low maintenance” reputation. It is what cities and the federal government use to make bridges out of. It oxidizes over time and then seals itself. It offers an organic and simple element to the sculptures while the Stainless Steel brings in a little more pizzazz and punch.

Dale Rogers
Previous One Cent Infrastructure Sales Tax

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.