Historic Georgetown Stained Glass Art

Nine historic churches are located within the Historic Georgetown Neighborhood. The Sanford Avenue Steeple represents the religious heritage of the neighborhood. The generous donation of an original stained glass window from the St. John Missionary Baptist Church will be revealed at this location as public art.

“This stained glass will be a beautiful reminder of the history of Georgetown and of its churches. Through a partnership with St. John Missionary Baptist Church and Sanford Main Street, the Public Art Commission has further enhanced our community,” said Mayor Art Woodruff.

“Surely, as sand chronicles the history of time, and the baby of humanity is the ocean’s salt, and baptism swallows the stench of death; so too will the stained glass memoirs of Georgetown preserve the vulnerability of our hearts while publicly transmitting our light into the world,” said Richard “Pete” Peterson, a member of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church, and a proud product of the Georgetown Community. 

Glass Artist Rosemarie Brown

“Mother, wife, animal lover, all my life experiences have influenced my art glass designs.  I have lived in Mount Dora for over 35 years, growing up here as a child and returning as an adult. As the Owner of Stained Glass Design in Mount Dora, I have much to offer the public. I try to inspire my students of all ages. Teaching fun classes in stained glass, fused glass and mosaic glass works. When working with customers my gift to them is my ability to bring the owner’s personality and style into the project.  Today my business is strongly focused on restoration as well as custom windows for homeowners. Working in the field for over 35 years, I began as an apprentice at Bearden’s-Stained Glass in Wichita, Kansas furthering my artistic skills by earning a degree in computer graphic design. With an extensive background in color planning and drawing, my strongest feature is knowing how to build a window that lasts. Using the knowledge of architectural reinforcement in panel style projects, this durability is accomplished. I have worked with builders, decorators, historical restoration companies, architects, and homeowners on public and private projects. My clientele includes NASCAR drivers, Baldwin Park’s home of the year, 100-year-old churches, glass ceilings and murals at the Villages as well as stained glass for the new Osprey Lodge living new to Florida. I am currently Disney’s glass artist and repair, restore and make new stained glass for its theme parks and hotels. Glass is a beautiful medium to work with. My goal is to bring joy through color and light.”
Previous Notice of Funding Availability – CDBG

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.