Mural Program

Fire Department Mural

Recognizing the 150-year dedication of the Sanford Fire Department to our community through art, 

A New Public Art Mural Project Soon Underway

The City of Sanford Public Art Commission chose artwork submitted by mural artist Graham Carraway through the RiverWalk Mural Call to Artists.

On September 1, Mural Artist Graham Carraway will begin painting a mural on the north surface of the shuffleboard court building located on Seminole Blvd. (facing the RiverWalk) 409 E. Seminole Blvd. An image of the mural is shown here.

Graham Carraway was born and raised in Mississippi, pursuing his art career in Denver, Colorado. His focuses have developed over the years to involve all things lettering related, letterpress printing, woodworking, mural painting, and custom commissioned sculpture work. For more information about Graham Carraway visit

This mural will be a beautiful addition to the incredible ambiance of Sanford’s RiverWalk. Let’s all give Graham a warm Sanford welcome.

Weather permitting, a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is scheduled for September 7 at 5 pm, stay tuned!

The City of Sanford’s Public Art Commission encourages the participation of private property owners in the display of public art.

The side of your building is an ideal location for a mural. The Art Commission and city staff are here to walk you through the application process for murals.

  • The City Commission has waived the application fees for murals.
  • The Art Commission has a list of mural artists for you to interview for creative ideas.
  • Applications can be filled out on-line. Visit
  • A Public Art easement will be required once approval of art works are given.

Please Note

If your mural location is located within the Historic District, a Certificate of Appropriateness will also be required. Contact the  Historic Preservation Planner or phone 407-688-5145 for more information. In addition, you must comply with the following requirements of Schedule S (S-38), of the Land Development Regulations of the city of Sanford.

As to applications for COA that relate to murals, only the following matters shall be considered when evaluating whether the application should be approved or denied and such applications shall be considered after approval of a public art application by the Public Art Commission.

  • Murals may only be installed on previously painted structures.
  • Murals may only be installed on the side and rear walls of buildings.
  • Murals may not cover or detract from the significant or character-defining architectural features of a structure.
  • Murals must complement and enhance the structure.
  • Walls on which murals are located must be in good repair with roof, flashing and parapets in good condition.
  • Walls on which murals are located must be cleaned using gentlest means possible and primed with appropriate paint.
  • Paint utilized in the installation of mural must be intended for exterior use and not compromise the integrity of the materials to which it is applied.
  • The use of paint which is reflective, neon, or fluorescent installing a mural is prohibited and unlawful.
  • Murals must be located and sized to engage and encourage pedestrian interaction.
  • Murals must exhibit skilled application standards consistent with sound and generally accepted artistic practices and principles.
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City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.