Water Meter Replacement Program

City-wide Meter Replacement Program is Under Way

The City of Sanford is replacing water meters throughout the city in order to upgrade to digital meters. The new meters will operate with the latest technology currently available to provide more precise consumption data, ensure accurate readings and enable billing through antenna and satellite systems.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is an integrated system of water meters, communications networks, and data management systems that enables the City to provide enhanced customer service for its utility customers. Advanced metering technology will allow the City to read water meters remotely and collect water usage data daily.

The City listens to its customers. We understand that billing has been frustrating, and we’re working to upgrade the system as an investment for our customers. The new system will be more efficient, with more reliable data that will provide a smooth customer experience, with enhanced information available to our customers. It is possible that with more accurate water meter readings this may result in a higher monthly utility bill. The City will be setting up a customer portal that will provide real time access to your water consumption so that you may monitor your usage and potentially lower your consumption and your monthly water bill. You can click on the Water Conservation link on this page for tips on reducing water usage.

Because many of the old meters were not providing correct readings, customers may experience higher bills as new meters begin to measure actual usage more accurately.

Pearl the Water Meter Reader
Example of the iPerl water meter

A Letter From the Mayor

Commercial Customers

Residential Customers

Frequently Asked Questions


Meter replacement will begin in the first Quarter of 2024 with commercial meters.

How does digital meter technology benefit me?

The new digital meters will provide the highest level of accuracy of your home’s water use, and you will have more access to your data. In the future, the city will launch an online customer portal for you to view, manage and budget your water use. The benefits to the City and its customers include:

  1. Highly accurate data collection which decreases the possibility of incorrect meter readings.  
  2. Timely information on water usage that allows City staff to provide better customer service.
  3. The ability to identify potential water leaks, which reduces water waste and unnecessarily higher water bills due to these leaks going undetected for long periods of time.
  4. Hourly consumption reads delivered at least daily, instead of once every month.
  5. Quicker and more efficient customer service, including initiating new accounts, closing existing accounts and addressing billing questions.
  6. Online access to a customer portal so customers can monitor and manage their water usage.
  7. Utility Management – communication, monitoring
When will I get a new meter?

Meter replacement will begin in Quarter 1 2024 with commercial meters.

Who is installing the new meters?

The City of Sanford hired VEPO Metering as the contractor to replace the meters. You can identify the contractors by the VEPO Metering name and logo on their shirts, vehicles, and badges.

How will the meter installation affect my business operations?

Meter replacement will allow for faster communication with the city about potential leaks. The city will be able to notify you of any water leaks more quickly, which could save money and water for more efficient operations.

The installer, VEPO Metering, will contact each business’ management to schedule an appointment for the installation of the digital water meter to limit the impact of water service disruption. While some business water meters may be outside, many are located inside the building so the installer will need access to the inside of the business. Installation needs will be assessed for each business and reviewed by management prior to the work being completed.

What happens to the previous meter information when the meter is changed?

All meter data is still stored and is available in the water system.


Residential meter replacement is anticipated to begin in  spring 2024.

How does digital meter technology benefit me?

The new digital meters will provide the highest level of accuracy of your home’s water use, and you will have more access to your data. In the future, the city will launch an online customer portal for you to view, manage and budget your water use. The benefits to the City and its customers include:

  1. Highly accurate data collection which decreases the possibility of incorrect meter readings.  
  2. Timely information on water usage that allows City staff to provide better customer service.
  3. The ability to identify potential water leaks, which reduces water waste and unnecessarily higher water bills due to these leaks going undetected for long periods of time.
  4. Hourly consumption reads delivered at least daily, instead of once every month.
  5. Quicker and more efficient customer service, including initiating new accounts, closing existing accounts and addressing billing questions.
  6. Online access to a customer portal so customers can monitor and manage their water usage.
  7. Utility Management – communication, monitoring
When will I get a new meter?

Meter replacement will begin in Quarter 1 2024 with commercial meters.  Residential meter replacement is anticipated to begin in Spring 2024. Where you are located will determine when the new meter will be installed. Customers will be notified in advance with a door hanger stating that crews are coming to replace meters. In addition, door hangers will notify customers when an installation has been completed.

Who is installing the new meters?

The City of Sanford hired VEPO Metering as the contractor to replace the meters. You can identify the contractors by the VEPO Metering name and logo on their shirts, vehicles, and badges.

How will the meter repalcement happen?

Meter replacements will take place between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday. 

The schedule of notifications includes:

  • Two weeks to two days ahead of meter installation: Door hangers placed on front doors of houses that will get meters.
  • Day of: VEPO Metering staff will be in your neighborhood with clearly labeled vehicles and uniforms. They will knock on the door before starting the meter exchange and will place an informational door hanger after the installation is complete or indicating they will need to return to complete the meter.
Will I be able to see if my meter is next to be replaced?

Overall project updates are available on the website.

What happens to the previous meter information when the meter is changed?

All meter data is still stored and is available in the water system.

Do I need to prepare for the installation of the new meter?

The City of Sanford requests that all customers take the following actions to prepare for meter installation.

  • Remove objects and vehicles that may obstruct access to the water meter.
  • If the meter is located within a fenced area that contains animals, secure the animals.
  • Refrain from using water during installation.
  • After installation you may experience temporary air bubbles or discolored water because the water needs to be turned off during the change out process. Please briefly run cold water to clear it up.
What can I expect during installation?

On the day of installation, the installer will be on your property to change out the equipment. Since water meters are outdoors, you may not even notice the installers. VEPO Metering installers will remove the existing water meter and install the new digital meter. A typical change out takes approximately 30 minutes. Each installer will have proper identification, as well as a marked vehicle. The installer will knock on the door before each install to alert the customer of the meter being exchanged.

Does the installer need to come inside my home?

No, the installer does not need to enter your home.  All water fixtures need to be in the off position. The meter won’t be installed if the water is on. If someone requests to enter your home, tell them no. Your installer will arrive in a marked vehicle and will have an ID card verifying identity. If someone is insisting, they enter your home, call the police or if it is an emergency, call 911 immediately.

How will I know that my meter has been changed?

You will receive a door hanger notifying you when the meter has been changed and a new meter has been installed.

What happens if I have a problem after installation?

If you have a water leak, low water pressure, or other issue after installation, or at any other time, you will contact the installer at: 877-860-VEPO (8376) to report your concern. Please note that because your water will have been turned off temporarily during the meter change out process you may experience air bubbles or discolored water. In most cases briefly running cold water will clear up this situation.

Can I choose not to have the upgraded equipment?

The old meters are not compatible with the new system. This is why all customer homes and businesses need to be upgraded to new equipment. The efficiency of our billing, technology and operations systems depends upon the instantaneous exchange of information. Leaving any existing meters in place would create “holes” in our system which would hurt efficiency and drive-up costs. Customers who would like to discuss opting out should call our office.

Will my water bill increase in cost?

There is the potential that water usage was not fully registering on your old meter which could mean there is a more accurate recording of consumption with a new meter. Older meters lose accuracy as they age. All new meters are tested to ensure they meet American Waterworks Association guidelines and specifications for the highest level of accuracy.

If you are concerned with an increase in the registered consumption noted on your bill, contact the City of Sanford at:

Phone: 407-688-5100

or Email: Utilitycustomerservice@sanfordfl.gov.   

Customer Service through the app: Sanford Connects app         

Project Inquiry Email Address: SanfordMeterUpgrades@zhaintl.com

Project Timeline

Commercial Meters

Residential Meters

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.