Unidirectional Flushing Program (UDF)

What is it?

The City of Sanford conducts an annual Unidirectional Flushing (UDF) and Hydrant Maintenance Program. This program affects only those subdivisions and areas that are on the City’s water system. Private systems and those complexes on master-meters will not be apart of this program. The City of Sanford water distribution system is a complex network, where sediment or deposits may naturally accumulate in the pipes over time. The flushing program removes sediment and ensures that the distribution system is operating at its best. The UDF program began May 2, 2022, and will last for 12 months. Flushing is done Monday through Thursday between 7:00AM and 5:00PM.

When will the program begin?

If flushing and testing of hydrants is expected to begin within the next 30 to 60 days in your designated service area, you will see “Notice” signs in your area as mention below.

What should I expect while city staff is flushing in my area?

During the flushing periods customers will continue to have water service, but flushing operations may activate low-pressure alarms on automatic fire sprinkler systems and may cause minor water discoloration. While the water is still safe to drink, we recommend that customers run their faucets for five to ten minutes or until water runs clear. Customers should also monitor their water quality prior to doing their laundry. If the discolored water does not clear up after running your faucets as instructed above, please call 407.688.5100.

Questions and Concerns

For any questions or concerns you may have about the program, please contact Sheila Guevara, Water Quality Engineer at 407.688.5000 x 5113 or Customer Service at 407.688.5100.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unidirectional flushing is the process of cleaning the water mains of a water distribution system by flowing water in one direction through the mains. This is accomplished by closing specified valves and by flushing strategically located hydrants. By closing specified valves, the velocity of water through the mains is increased. The main purpose of unidirectional flushing is to improve water quality within the distribution system. It is generally considered to be more effective at removing sediments than conventional flushing and also uses less water.

The City of Sanford water distribution system is a complex network, where sediment or deposits may naturally accumulate  in the pipes over time. The flushing program removes sediment and ensures that the distribution system is operating at its best.

Flushing is a preventative care. The amount and cost of water used in flushing is minimal and a fraction of the cost of repairing lines and pipes from lack of maintenance.
Normal Business hours Monday through Thursday 7:00am to 5:00pm

Information will be available on the City’s website. Door hangers will be distributed weeks in advance to residents with information on the City’s Flushing Program.

Most customers are not aware that flushing is taking place in their neighborhood. But customers in the flushing area may experience discolored water or a small drop in water pressure. Your water service should not be interrupted. If you have no water pressure, please notify us by calling 407.688.5100

If there is no discoloration, your water is okay to be used. If you encounter discolored water, shut the water off and wait ten minutes. After waiting, check the clarity by running the tap for 5 to 10 minutes allowing new water to work its way into your pipes. If not, wait a few more minutes and check again. This discoloration only affects the appearance of the water; it does not affect the taste or water quality.

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.