Bias Based Policing

A fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States to all who live in this nation is that of equal protection under the law. Along with this right to equal protection, is the fundamental right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents. Citizens are free to walk and drive our streets, highways and other public places without police interference so long as they obey the law. They also are entitled to be free from crime, and from the depredations from criminals, and to drive and walk our public ways safe from the actions of reckless and careless drivers. The Sanford Police Department is charged with protecting these rights for all, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical handicap, religion or other belief system.

Because of the nature of their business, law enforcement officers are required to be observant, to identify unusual occurrences and law violations and to act upon them. It is proactive enforcement that keeps our citizens free from crime and our streets and highways safe to drive upon. We shall accomplish this mission in a way that respects the dignity of all persons and yet sends a strong deterrent message to actual and potential law breakers that if they break the law, they are likely to encounter police.

Biased Policing
The selection of individuals based solely on a trait common to a group for enforcement action. This includes but is not limited to: race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, age, cultural group or any other identifiable group. Bias-based policing occurs when an officer makes decisions or takes police action based upon his or her own personal or societal biases or stereotypes, rather than relying on facts and observed behaviors which would lead the officer to believe that an individual has been, is currently, or is about to be involved in criminal activity.

It is the policy of the Sanford Police Department to patrol in a proactive manner, to aggressively investigate suspicious persons and circumstances, and to actively enforce the motor vehicle laws, while insisting that citizens will only be stopped or detained when there exists reasonable suspicion to believe they have  committed, are committing, or are about to commit an infraction of the law.

Declaration of Values and Vision
-Honesty and integrity in personal and professional relationships
-Respect for the worth and dignity of persons, freedoms, and property
-Moral conviction to excellence in service through tolerance and hard work
-Positive enthusiasm, recognizing and welcoming creativity and warranted change
-Faith and support of the constitution and the laws associated with our chosen profession
-Courage to officiate duties regardless of ridicule, scorn or danger

How to Report Biased Policing
Citizens who feel they have been stopped or searched due to biased policing are encouraged to file a complaint with the Department.

Complaints may be filed in person, by mail, electronic mail, or by telephone. To file a complaint in writing or by e-mail please include all facts including names, dates and places known. Please be as detailed as possible.

All complaints will be investigated.

Professional Standards
815 Historic Goldsboro Blvd.
Sanford, FL. 32771
Phone: 407.688.5070
Fax: 407.688.5071

You may also contact Professional Standards by calling 407.688.5070. The Sanford Police Department in partnership with the community is committed to providing and maintaining a highly motivated, professional police agency thereby making our neighborhoods safe to all.

Blue Ribbon Panel

The Blue Ribbon Panel was formed in December of 2012 and is comprised of 25 members that represent a broad cross section of the community. The mission of the panel is to assess the community’s perception of the (Sanford Police) Department’s ability to carry out its primary function to serve and protect the public as a whole and to identify strategies to transform the image of police-community relations in the City of Sanford from negative to positive and from insular to collaborative.

The Blue Ribbon Panel developed a Nine Point Plan that included:

  • Strategies to strengthen relationships with the community based on inclusion, trust and mutual respect for each other’s roles and responsibilities,
  • Strategies to promote and practice the use of effective communication that crosses racial, cultural and ethnic barriers,         
  • Strategies to create a shared vision and common commitment to community policing and crime prevention.  

Police Department/Community Relations Assessment Report & Updates

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.