Business Tax Receipts are issued for both home occupations and commercial businesses located within the City of Sanford. Some mobile business are considered to be operating within the city limits and are also required to obtain a business tax receipt. Examples of this are taxi or transportation companies, mobile food vendors, mobile sales and solicitors. Items listed below require compliance from various agencies for your tax receipt issuance.

How to Obtain a Business Tax Receipt

  • City of Sanford Ordinance 4350 (Florida Building Code Section 111.1.1)  Prior to any business, restaurant or other commercial establishment opening for business, a permit will always be required. See Change of Use for Commercial Buildings
  • Businesses operating within the City of Sanford are also required to obtain a tax receipt with the Seminole County Tax Collector.

  • Planning & Development Services Department will verify compliance with City zoning regulations for all commercial businesses. Home based businesses are required to follow City Land Development Regulations Schedule E.
  • Fire Prevention conducts inspections of all commercial businesses when a tax receipt is issued. For any additional questions regarding fire inspections, please feel free to contact Fire Marshal Matt Minnetto at 407.688.5052.
  • Utility Department Pretreatment Division requires a wastewater discharge permit for food or automotive related businesses
  • Documentation of your business name is required. The business name registration, whether a corporate or a fictitious name shall be filed with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.
  • Verify if your  business operations require licensing from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. We may be prohibited from issuing your business tax receipt if your businesses requires licensure from DBPR.
  • Other businesses may require licensure from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and we are required to verify license prior to issuing your business tax receipt.
  • Sales tax numbers are issued by the Florida Department of Revenue.
  • Federal Employer ID numbers are issued by the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Changes of ownership, business name or location require completion of a new application.
  • The applicable tax for all applications will be calculated by a customer service person in the Building & Fire Prevention Division.
  • Commercial businesses will also pay an Annual Fire Inspection Fee based on the square footage of the property they occupy for their business activities.

To apply for a Business Tax Application click on the following link


City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.