Speakers Bureau

Welcome to the City of Sanford Speakers Bureau. Our speakers are experts in their fields who are eager to share their knowledge in the community. They are an excellent resource with many stories to share and are capable of providing answers to important questions about the Sanford community.

The City of Sanford Speakers Bureau is a program that is available to provide public speakers for any event and can be of interest to local clubs, schools, civic groups, neighborhood associations and community organizations. It is comprised of a collection of speakers that offer an array of topics. Presentations include anything from the budgeting process to environmental awareness. This service is free of charge.  When selecting a topic, first consider the intended audience and its area of interest.

Overview of City Government Operations:

Speaker: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager nbonaparte@sanfordfl.gov
• Overall operations of City government
• Enforcement of the City’s laws and policies

Speaker: Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director cynthia.lindsay@sanfordfl.gov
• Annual Budget

Speaker: Lisa Antonini, Records Manager lisa.antonini@sanfordfl.gov
• Public Records Requests

A brief overview of what you can learn from our talented staff and partners:

Speaker: Brady Lessard, Economic Development Director Brady Lessard
The City of Sanford is promoting Sanford as a great place to locate businesses through marketing  and outreach efforts. Business growth from both new business relocation and existing business expansion is a key factor to healthy local economy. The Economic Development office also helps promote Sanford as a shopping destination through events such as the weekly Farmer’s Market, which benefit citizens and business at the same time. Additionally, this office coordinates the City’s economic incentive programs and serves as the Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The office functions as a liaison for business interests to the City government. Additional projects and business improvement efforts include:
• Facilitating City, County and State Economic Development Incentives
• Assistance with Business Development Resources
• Commercial property improvement assistance through the Downtown Sanford CRA.
• Helping businesses with regulation and permitting requirements and getting answers to questions
• Community Visioning and Strategic Planning

Speaker: Anthony Raimondo, Director of Development Services                                                                Email: anthony.raimondo@sanfordfl.gov
• How the code enforcement process works
• Effective code enforcement in a community
• Compliance with zoning and sign regulations
• Code enforcement and HOAs
• The condemnation and demolition process

Responding to fires, medical emergencies and natural disasters is one of the most critical functions of local government. Emergency services staff members are dedicated to spreading the word about personal safety, prevention and preparedness.

Speaker: Matt Minnetto, Fire Marshall matthew.minnetto@sanfordfl.gov
• Home and Workplace Safety
• Residential and Commercial Sprinklers
• Smoke alarms and installation

Speaker: Shawn Treloar, Battalion Chief/EMS shawn.treloar@sanfordfl.gov 
• Preparing for a hurricane
• Bomb Making Materials Awareness Program
• Fire Department Operations and History
• Emergency Operations Center Tour and Overview
• Citizen’s Ride Along 

 Speaker: Robert Hampton, Fire Department Lieutenant robert.hampton@sanfordfl.gov
• Emergency Medical Services
• Juvenile Fire Setters Program

Speaker: Sharon Kraynik, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Sharon Kraynik
• Type of work performed by City employees
• Type of positions in the City
• What is required to be eligible for positions (good education)
• City of Sanford Recruitment and Hiring Process. An overview of the City of Sanford’s recruitment and         hiring process; career opportunities.
• Safety programs
• Health Insurance ‘101’
• Insurance basics
• Benefits basics
• Driving habits
• Electronic efficiencies in the City of Sanford

Speakers: Lisa Jones, Recreation Director  lisa.jones@sanfordfl.gov
Jerry Sullivan, Recreation Manager jerry.sullivan@sanfordfl.gov 
• Current activities in the City of Sanford Recreation Department. Find out what is going on in Sanford (recreational venues and activities).
• Youth Programs
• Senior programs/activities

Speaker: Robert Beall, Parks and Grounds Operations Manager robert.beall@sanfordfl.gov 
• Park facilities and reservation opportunities 
• History of Parks and Trails in the City of Sanford 

Speaker: Elizabeth Harkey, Urban Forester elizabeth.harkey@sanfordfl.gov 
• Community Garden. Tips on gardening, Florida friendly landscaping. 

Speaker: Eileen Hinson, Director of Planning and Development Services Eileen Hinson 
• Land Development Regulations – What is zoning? Learn about why there are codes for parking, signage, lighting, landscaping, etc.

Speaker:  Darren Ebersole, Development Services Manager Darren Ebersole
• Planning and Growth Management Policies – Learn about the City’s neighborhood and long range planning goals and procedures.

Speaker: Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner Julie Scofield
• Historic Preservation – Learn about the importance of preserving and protecting the historic and archaeological resources within the City.

Speaker: Sergeant Sanjuanita Justiniano  sanjuanita.justiniano@sanfordfl.gov
• Crime prevention strategies. What you can do to protect yourself and your property.

Speaker: Lieutenant Michael Timpano michael.timpano@sanfordfl.gov
• Bicycle/pedestrian safety

Speaker: Sergeant Heather Smart heather.smart@sanfordfl.gov
• The Police Explorer Program

Speaker: Sergeant Tina Leman  tina.leman@sanfordfl.gov

• So you want to be a police officer – an overview of the process of becoming a Florida Certified Law Enforcement Officer.

Speaker: Jeff Davis, Senior Public Works Inspector Jeff Davis
• Street maintenance – paving and sidewalk maintenance

Speaker: Shawn Lemmons

Streets/Storm Water Superintendent Shawn Lemmons
• Stormwater issues – short and long term goals

Speaker: Emily McCabe, Solid Waste Manager Emily McCabe
• Garbage collection and recycling issues

Speaker: Nikki Osburn Community Relations & Neighborhood Engagement Director     Email: Nicole Osburn,  The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, one of the many programs within the US Department of House and Urban Development (HUD), is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. The CDBG entitlement program allocates annual grants to larger cities and urban counties to develop viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and opportunities to expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. The CDBG program’s purpose is to ensure decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities, and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses. CDBG is an important tool for helping local governments tackle serious challenges facing their communities. The CDBG program has made a difference in the lives of millions of people and their communities across the Nation. Beginning in 1974, the CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD.

In addition to the CDBG program, HUD also funds the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). Through NSP, HUD provides grants to communities hardest hit by foreclosures and delinquencies to purchase, rehabilitate or redevelop homes for resale to stabilize neighborhoods. Also, the program provides assistance for demolition and clearance of blighted and vacant structures. This program, like other HUD programs, is designed to benefit low- and moderate-income households.

Among the topics:
• CDBG National Objectives
• Eligible activities that can be funded under CDBG program
• Program development and federal reporting requirements
• Researching evidence based public service programs that effect social change
• Best practices for non-profit boards and board governances
• Establishing partnerships between non-profits, faith based organizations and local government to leverage funds
• Designing citizens participation processes, e.g. forums, focus groups, community conversations,       group   conferencing
• Goals and objectives of the NSP program
• Homeless Issues and Supportive Services. Learn what the City has done to help address and advocate for the needs of the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. Also gain knowledge of current community initiatives and what still needs to be done to incorporate more 

Speaker: Hope Duncan, Environmental Coordinator  Hope.Duncan@sanfordfl.gov
Oil and Grease Program- The City of Sanford Utility Department recently completed a Residential Fats Oil and Grease educational outreach board that is on display near the Utility Customer Service window. The “Fat Free Sewers” board is intended to relay the importance of proper cooking grease disposal in the home in order to reduce grease build-up and sewage overflows in the City’s sewer system. The Utility Department hopes that by educating the City residents that the number of residential grease blockages and overflows in the City will be greatly reduced. The display board is portable and will also be used at community outreach events throughout the area to spread the word. In addition, a kid friendly experiment demonstrating the detrimental effects of grease in the sewer system can be performed to further educate children. Contact Hope Duncan at 407-688-5000 extension 5512 to schedule an outreach event. Remember to trap the grease and throw it in the trash!

Speaker: Bill Marcous, Utility Support Services Manager william.marcous@sanfordfl.gov
• Water Conservation- This presentation provides useful information for anyone who waters gardens and plants and wants to conserve water or just keep their water bills down.

• Water Meters- An overview of the different types of water meters, how they are read, and how they work. Emphasis is given to help customers understand how their water bill is developed based on their water usage.

• How to Save Money on Your Utility Bill- My water bill is too high – how can I reduce my bill? Utility bills and alternatives to reduce your bill are explained. Useful ways customers can conserve water in their homes and on their property are also explained. This presentation educates customers on water measurements for specific types of consumption. Methods are discussed to determine if a leak exists in the customer’s internal plumbing and when to call a plumber. 

Water Resources Engineer
• Where Does Your Water Come From? An overview of Sanford’s water utility from the business plan to goals and strategies for plentiful and safe water now and into the future. How water is delivered from the ground to tap is illustrated.

• Wastewater Treatment Plant and Wastewater Pump Station issues. Any concerns or questions about the Wastewater Treatment Division including the operation of the wastewater treatment plants or the wastewater pump stations are answered. Interested parties could be people wanting tours of the wastewater treatment plants or presentations on the City’s sanitary sewer system.

The Sanford Housing Authority is an independent special district created under the provisions of controlling general law of the State of Florida. Florida Statutes Part 1 Housing Authorities, Section 421.001-421.52

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.