
Explore Our Government and Departments

Sanford is committed to creating a vibrant and safe City in which people choose to live, work, raise a family, attend school, shop, play and retire. The City of Sanford is dedicated to the delivery of a high standard of service that cultivates a vibrant business and citizen partnership and fosters a well-connected, economically thriving community that celebrates its distinctive historical, natural, social and cultural character.

Mayor & City Commission

City Commission Maps, Meet Your Commissioner, Mayor's Youth Council

Contact: (407)688-5001

City Manager's Office

Role of City Manager, Annual Reports,
Speakers Bureau, Staff Directory

Contact: (407) 688-5008

City Clerk

Commission Meeting, Public Records Requests, Forms and Publications

Contact: (407)688-5014

City Attorney

The City Attorney serves as legal adviser, attorney, and counselor for the City.

Contact: (407)322-2171.


Marketing and Promotion, Media Relations, Social Media, City Podcast

Contact: (407)688-5019

Community Relations

Community Relations, CDBG, LIHEAP, MBK, REEI

Contact: (407)688-5007

Development Services

Building Division, Code Enforcement, Planning & Development

Contact: (407)688-5182

Economic Development

Economic Incentives, Demographics, Community Redevelopment Agency

Contact: (407)688-5001


Budget Information,Purchasing,Forms & Documents, Information Services

Contact: (407)688-5023

Human Resources

Emploment, Employee Benefits,Risk Management,Workers Compensation

Contact: (407)688-5134


Fire Prevention, Emergency Management, Safety Information

Contact: (407)688-5050

Parks & Recreation

Programs, Pavilion & Facility Rentals, Park information

Contact: (407)688-5103


Crime Prevention, Police Records, Sanford Police Officers Retirement System

Contact: (407)688-5070

Public Works & Utilities

Water & Sewer Service, Utility Bill Pay, Garbage Collection

Contact: (407)688-5000 ext. 5401

GIS Maps

Here you will find a collection of maps covering a variety of subjects in the City. Our printable maps are available for download in pdf format.

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 8:00 PM-8:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.