News and Alerts

Am I affected by this alert?

Am I affected by this alert?

Water Quality Alerts and Service Updates

The City of Sanford (City) is committed to providing safe drinking water to our customers. Sometimes, during planned system maintenance and construction or during unforeseen emergencies which could compromise water quality, it may be necessary to issue a precautionary (preventive) boil water notice to our customers. Some examples of unforeseen emergencies are broken water mains, loss of disinfection, treatment disruptions, hurricanes or floods, and losses of power or pressure at our facilities/water distribution system.

If your area is under a boil water notice, you should boil all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing fruits/vegetables and dishes prior to use. Heat the water to a constant, rolling boil for at least one (1) minute, or use bottled water. The water is safe for bathing, laundering, and other non-consumptive uses.

Do not add bleach, chlorine, or any other substance, as a disinfectant to water in an effort to make it drinkable, as this may be extremely hazardous to your health. The most effective means to insure your safety is to boil water.

The boil water notice will usually remain in effect for at least two (2) days while water samples are collected in the field and analyzed in the lab by a third party company. Customers should follow boil water procedures until the City notifies them thru the Boil Water Alert Information Line and the City’s website that the boil water notice is lifted and the water is safe for consumption. The City uses Alert Seminole to notify customers of boil water notices and rescission (lifting) of the notice if large areas of the City are affected – please sign up for Alert Seminole HERE.

After your water service is resumed, it is advised that residents open their faucets for a few minutes to clear their water lines. Do not use the water until the water is running clear.

You can call the Boil Water Alert Information Line at (407) 688-5115 for information on the status of a boil water notice.

Prepare Seminole

The City of Sanford partners with Seminole County and Alert Seminole on a variety of topics including notifying our residents about boil water notices and other safety concerns.

Seminole County residents are encouraged to register for emergency alerts through Alert Seminole, Seminole County’s emergency notification and warning system. Residents can sign up to receive emergency alerts via text, e-mail, or voice call about a variety of potential public safety and environmental hazards, including:

  • – Boil water notices and other safety concerns
  • – Significant weather events, including hurricanes, tornadoes and severe thunderstorms
  • – Evacuations
  • – Shelter-in-place orders
  • – Emergency shelter information
  • – Highly disruptive road closures

The City of Sanford Utility Department uses this tool to target messages to customers who may be impacted by Utility incidents, including storm related issues affecting residents. 

Register today.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed with the City of Sanford by following our social media. Connect with us on Nextdoor as well, and subscribe to our podcast – Sanford Says and Youtube channel.

300 N Park Ave
Sanford FL, 32771

Mon – Thur:  7:00 am – 5:30 pm

Fri:  8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Stay Connected

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.