Good Neighbor Utility Fund

Donate $1.00 (or any amount of your choosing) to help a Sanford neighbor with emergency assistance to pay their water bill.

How to Donate:

  • Send $1.00 and a note along with your next Sanford Utility Bill Payment.
  • Send $1.00 to the: Good Neighbor Fund, P.O Box 2847 Sanford, FL 32772.
  • Drop $1.00 (or any amount of your choosing) into the Good Neighbor Utility Box located in the Customer Service Center, First Floor, City Hall.

For more information contact Customer Service at 407.688.5100

Best practices and additional resources (with links):

Good Neighbor Utility Fund Application  – English ……………………………………………

Good Neighbor Utility Fund Application  – Espanol …………………………………………..

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.