Museum Location:
520 East 1st Street
Sanford, FL 32771

9 AM – 5 PM

How to Donate to Our Collection

The Sanford Museum’s collection is completely donation based, and we hope to continue collecting the history of Sanford. If you would like to contribute to our collection please read below:

What objects will help you fulfill the Sanford Museum’s Mission?

The Sanford Museum accepts objects relating to Sanford’s cultural, economic, social, architectural, and political history.

What types of objects does the Sanford Museum collect?

The Sanford Museum accepts objects that can either be housed in the museum’s archives, or used for research and education on the City of Sanford’s history, and on Henry Shelton Sanford’s life and history.

What geographic scope and time period is appropriate to the Sanford Museum?

The Sanford Museum only collects items that are from or about the greater Sanford area.  Our scope focuses on the human history of the area up to the modern day.

What are the sources for the objects in the Sanford Museum?

The Museum will only accept items that are donated. If the Museum finds an item for purchase that would be important to the Museum’s collection, the item may be purchased from funds donated by the public; or if an item is for sale the Sanford museum would like to add to their collection, they will ask their Friend Organization, the Sanford Historical Society. If you would like an item to be purchased and given to the Sanford Museum please contact the Sanford Historical Society at

Will you allow your donors to put stipulations on their donations?

The Sanford Museum is a municipal museum in Florida, and must adhere to Sunshine State Laws. This means when an item is donated, the donor cannot add a stipulation because it is considered public property. It a donor wishes to add restrictions, we cannot accept their donation.

Examples of past donated items:

  • Early Edited Postcard of “Taking Celery To Market” from the Vincent Collection
  • Teapot given to Henry Deforest by the Swedish Immigrants from the Dorothy Harris Collection
  • Prototype of the Snappin’ Turtle Lawn Mower
  • The Original Clock Face of the Downtown Clock, donated by Janette Cara
  • Early Surveying Tool
  • Diorama of the various river boats
  • Photograph of a unnamed women on a bicycle from the Vincent Collection

Donation Guidelines:

  • If you think your item fits the above, please fill out this form with a photograph and/or a brief description of your item.
  • You will be emailed back with additional paperwork to fill out.
  • Items will NOT be accepted if you do not fill out the required paperwork.
Email Completed Paperwork Email: Sanford Museum

Donation Form

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City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 10:00 PM-4:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.