The City of Sanford Land development Regulations (LDR) is organized into two sections – Articles, which cover procedures, and Schedules, which outline development requirements. Click on the links below to download and view the documents.
Articles (Procedures)
ARTICLE I. Legislative Authority, Land Use Zoning, and Review Procedures
ARTICLE II. Subdivision and Plat Procedures ………………………………………………………
ARTICLE III. Standards and Procedures for Use and Development Approval
ARTICLE IV. Zoning Amendments, Planned Development and Unique Projects
ARTICLE V. Concurrency Procedures ……………………………………………………………………
ARTICLE VI. Statutory Development Agreements ………………………………………………..
ARTICLE VII. Fees ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Schedules (Development Requirements)
SCHEDULE A. Land Use Classifications ……………………………………………….
SCHEDULE B. Permitted Uses ………………………………………………………………..
SCHEDULE C. Area and Dimension Regulations …………………………………
SCHEDULE D. Planned Development Project Regulations …………………
SCHEDULE E. Additional Requirements & Provisions for Specific Uses
SCHEDULE F. Requirements for Buildings, Parcel, Yards,
Building Setbacks and Lighting ………………………………………
SCHEDULE G. Architectural Design Standards …………………………………….
SCHEDULE H. Parking Requirements …………………………………………………….
SCHEDULE J. Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements ………………….
SCHEDULE K. Sign Regulations ……………………………………………………………..
SCHEDULE L. Non-Conforming Land Use Provisions ………………………….
SCHEDULE M. Environmentally Sensitive Lands ………………………………….
SCHEDULE N. Subdivision Requirements ……………………………………………..
SCHEDULE O. Drainage, Easements& Site Preparation/Excavation Requirements …………………………………………………………………..
SCHEDULE P. Utilities Standards and Specifications and Design Standards for Water Conservation
SCHEDULE Q. Level of Service Requirements ……………………………………..
SCHEDULE R. Airports and Aircraft ……………………………………………………….
SCHEDULE S. Historic Preservation ………………………………………………………..
SCHEDULE T. Affordable Housing ………………………………………………………….
SCHEDULE U. Overlay Districts ……………………………………………………………….
SCHEDULE W. Fire Prevention and Operational Standards …………………